The Struggle Is Real: An Explanation For Why It's So Hard to Find an EMDR Therapist Who Takes Insurance
Monica Helvie Monica Helvie

The Struggle Is Real: An Explanation For Why It's So Hard to Find an EMDR Therapist Who Takes Insurance

You’ve been searching for weeks…maybe months. Calls to your insurance company, endless scrolling through online therapist directories, the hope, and the constant disappointment. It feels like a never-ending loop, and you’re starting to lose patience. The thing is, you’re not just looking for a therapist; you’re looking for an EMDR therapist, one who takes your insurance. It shouldn't be this hard, right?

As it turns out, you’re not alone. Many people seeking this specialized treatment face a similar uphill battle. But why is it so difficult to find in-network EMDR therapy? Let's dive in and unpack this frustrating puzzle.

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How EMDR Therapy Empowers High-Achieving Professionals
Monica Helvie Monica Helvie

How EMDR Therapy Empowers High-Achieving Professionals

High-achieving professionals are the backbone of many industries. They consistently achieve exceptional results, navigate complex challenges, and demonstrate unwavering dedication. However, the relentless pursuit of excellence can take a toll. Pressure, work-life imbalance, and internal struggles, stress unsuccessfully managed can all impede optimal performance and overall well-being. This begs the question:

How can high achievers prioritize their mental health and maintain their peak performance?

Thankfully, innovative therapies like Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) offer a powerful tool to navigate these challenges.

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The Hidden Fear Stealing Your Freedom: 1 Reason Why You Can't Relax (Even when your schedule has the flexibility to do so)!
Monica Helvie Monica Helvie

The Hidden Fear Stealing Your Freedom: 1 Reason Why You Can't Relax (Even when your schedule has the flexibility to do so)!

The inbox fills, the phone buzzes, and the to-do list mocks you from its ever-growing length. You crave a day off, a moment for yourself, but a nagging inner voice whispers, "What will they think?" The "they" could be your boss, your partner, or even a critical part of yourself. This fear, this constant pressure to meet expectations, is the thief of flexibility, the dream we chase but rarely catch.

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Learn to Regulate Your Nervous System for Less Stress and More Calm
Monica Helvie Monica Helvie

Learn to Regulate Your Nervous System for Less Stress and More Calm

Have you ever felt that knot in your stomach before a big presentation, the same one that forms during a difficult conversation? Or maybe it's the butterflies before a first date or the racing heart on a roller coaster ride. We all speak the universal language of stress and anxiety. This emotional rollercoaster isn't a character flaw, it's our nervous system doing its job. But sometimes, this well-intentioned system can overreact, turning minor anxieties into major meltdowns.

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From Burnout to Abundance
Monica Helvie Monica Helvie

From Burnout to Abundance

In the demanding world of mental health, burnout has become an all too familiar companion for many dedicated mental health professionals. The relentless nature of the work, combined with the impact of sharing emotional burdens, can leave us feeling depleted and helpless. Oftentimes, these feelings are fueled by a scarcity mindset, which limits our growth and keeps us stuck in a negative cycle of discontentment with a bleak outlook.

Whether you’re holding on to a draining job or find yourself convinced that no matter where you work, “this is how it will always be”, I want to be the encouragement that challenges those beliefs.

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Hyper- Independence: Super Power or Trauma Response?
Monica Helvie Monica Helvie

Hyper- Independence: Super Power or Trauma Response?

In a society that glorifies independence and self-reliance, it is easy to think of hyper-independence as a good thing, and even an advantageous trait to have. But the reality is that hyper-independence can actually be a trait we develop from trauma (aka a trauma response).

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